Singing Guide: Catie Turner

Singing Guide: Catie Turner

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Catie Turner is a young pop singer from The Voice whose unique voice caught the attention of judges and fans alike. A standout feature of her voice is its emotional depth and expressiveness; from the quietest notes to the most forceful, Turner imbues every phrase with an infectious love of music. In this article we'll be exploring how to develop a singing voice like Catie Turner's that can convey emotion, power, and versatility.

Mastering breath support

One of the most critical elements of Turner's unique vocal style is her ability to control her breath. Catie performs with breathy cadences and tight breath support that serves to highlight her phrasing perfectly. Singers looking to emulate Turner should first practice matching their breath support and delivery to the pitch of their melodies, being mindful of maintaining a steady vocal line throughout. Practice using the diaphragm to control airflow and strengthen weaker areas of the voice.

Learning proper posture and breath control

One of the biggest keys to Catie Turner's success is her posture, which allows for efficient breath delivery. Proper posture combined with a relaxed jaw and full diaphragmatic breaths can work wonders for a singer's vocal range and power. Regular practice of warm-up exercises such as the Farinelli breathing routine can help to improve posture and perfect breath control.

Improving articulation and pronunciation for clarity

Similar to her breath control, Catie Turner's ability to articulate her words with precision contributes to her unique vocal style. She is known for her clean delivery, clarity of diction and attention to detail in regards to her phrasing and cadences. Practicing exercises like the finger bite, which can help to improve clarity and dexterity of the tongue, is vital for budding singers looking to gain the edge required to emulate their idols.

Exploring diverse vocal registers

One of the standout features of Turner's vocals is her ability to execute a wide range of vocal registers; singers aspiring to learn how to sing like Catie Turner should work on expanding their vocal range and learning to identify various types of vocal registers. Check out Singing Carrots' instructional video "Chest Voice Explained" to help master lower registers, and pick up tips to develop your sounds across all registers.

Developing other contemporary singing techniques

Contemporary singers like Turner often use a variety of unique techniques to create their distinctive vocal styles. Vocal distortion builds on the basic principles of hitting correct pitch and developing good vocal control along with heavy modal, twang, belting, growling, and vibrato. Take advantage of Singing Carrots' instructional videos on twang and growling to develop these techniques effectively. Learning how to use vibrato correctly can provide an emotive edge for singers emulating Catie Turner.

Relevant resources from Singing Carrots

  • The Vocal range test can be used to find the perfect range and tone.
  • Use the Pitch accuracy test to hone in on pitch-perfect vocals.
  • The Vocal Pitch Monitor will help you get in tune with your singing and adjust accordingly.
  • Try Singing Carrots' Pitch Training game to improve pitch accuracy.
  • Use the search songs feature to find music to match an aspirant’s range, difficulty level, and preferred genre.
  • The artists section features vocal ranges of over 5000 famous musicians, including Catie Turner.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' vocal course which includes 21 lessons covering singing theory and useful tips.

By working on the core concepts of breathing, articulation and vocal registers, combined with contemporary techniques and the latest Singing Carrots resources, anyone can learn how to sing like Catie Turner. With practice, dedication and know-how, singers can develop their own style and create a distinctive, emotive sound all their own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.